Fees and Fine Payment Options
Fees and Fine Payment Information
Fines are due on or before the date set by the court. Failure to pay your fine on time may result in a civil assessment penalty of up to $100. You may request a financial re-evaluation or modification of payments on your delinquent cases by appearing at the Revenue Recovery Division. No payment extensions will be granted. For further information, you may call (661) 610-7500 from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM, Monday through Friday.
Payment Options
By Mail
1. Major credit card
2. Check / Money order
Note: Please do not mail cash
In Person
1. Major credit card
2. Check / Money order
3. Cash
4. Debit / Check card
Note: Case number must be in your possession to make a payment
Additional Infomation
Repeal of Some Criminal Administrative Fees
Pursuant to Assembly Bill 1869, various statutory changes repeal a number of administrative fees related to the processing of criminal cases and eliminate debt incurred as a result of those fees. Click here for more information.
Repeal of Additional Criminal Administrative Fees
Pursuant to Assembly Bill 177, various statutory changes repeal a number of administrative fees related to the processing of criminal cases and eliminate outstanding debt incurred as a result of those fees. Click here for more information. Click here for more information.
Check / Money Order Payment:
Make checks and/or money orders payable to Kern County Superior Court. To ensure your payment is credited to your case, always write your case number on your check and/or money order.
Acceptable credit cards are:
- Visa
- Discover Card
- American Express
- Mastercard
There is a service fee assessed in addition to the fine payment when you use a credit card or debit card.
Contact Revenue Recovery if your case is delinquent:
- To pay delinquent case(s) in full
- To make monthly payment arrangement for delinquent case(s)
- To consolidate New and delinquent case payments into one monthly payment plan
Revenue Recovery
5555 California Avenue, Suite #100
Bakersfield, CA 93309
Phone: (661) 610-7500
Email: wmrrd@kern.courts.ca.gov
Office location (for In Person and Drop Box payments):
Revenue Recovery
5555 California Avenue, Suite #100
Bakersfield, CA 93309
- Clerk’s drop box is located on the north side of the building in the drive-thru lane, available 24 hours/day
Traffic Court Location
Superior Court of California, County of Kern, Traffic Court
3131 Arrow St
Bakersfield, CA 93308
- Clerk’s drop box is located in front of the Court house, available 24 hours/day
Juvenile Justice Center Location
Superior Court of California, County of Kern, Juvenile Justice Center
2100 College Ave
Bakersfield, CA 93305
- Clerk’s drop box is located inside the Court house on the 4th floor
Misdemeanor Department
Superior Court of California, County of Kern
1415 Truxtun Ave
Bakersfield, CA 93301
- Clerk’s drop box is located in the Court house on 1st floor near the front of the Felony/Misdemeanor Divisions